Precision Basses with fat necks

I am currently looking for a nice Fender P-Bass. Most important is a huge neck, but the problem is, I don't like the thick laquer finish they tend to put on the Classic 50's or Roger Waters Sig.
I know that the Road Worn fulfills just about every of my requirements, but I'd love to see some alternatives. I had a Highway One that was nice, but the neck was flimsy and it had a rosewood fretboard.
Please advice :)

What I'd like to have, in order of importance:

- wide, thick neck (nut width 1.75" (44.45 mm)) with maple fretboard (or one piece)
- thin neck laquer, if any ;)
- split coil pickup
- nitro finish on body
- colors I like: basically everything goes, but sonic blue/surf green, black, blonde and sunburst are my favorites

I don't care about weight. Absolutely willing to buy a used intrument.
The LB100 is interesting because the necks are custom. So you can get one with a thin neck or a thick one. Just something to keep in mind if you go play one.

I like the AVRI 63 necks a lot. Very substantial, but extremely playable.
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Oh, I would also look at G&L. The LB100 is available in a variety of colors with a satin finished, big ol neck. I have played bad Fenders but have never found a bad G&L.

You'll get everything minus the nitro finish. They make nitro finishes occasionally, but they're hard to come by and I'm not sure if there's an option to order them. But the necks are totally customizable in both width and radius.
Oh, I would also look at G&L. The LB100 is available in a variety of colors with a satin finished, big ol neck. I have played bad Fenders but have never found a bad G&L.
I have a LB100 with the 1.75 nut. Love it. Better than any of the many Ps I've owned or tried; most of them higher-end US models. The Fenders were generally very nice, but i like the LB100 neck better and it sounds better to me, too. The only P I have now is the LB100.

Of course, all this is very subjective and, as they say, YMMV. But my experience has me solidly in the G&L camp. I have absoultley no GAS for any other P.
I sanded the finish off on my Am P-bass and it feels MUCH better. I basically took it all down with 400-grit, then applied a layer of gunstock oil and let it soak in over night, then sanded that down progressively from 800-grit to 2000-grit. I'm very happy with the results.
Can you get it close to a RW neck? I have a 60's jazz lacquer and just picked up a RW precision. I'd love to make the jazz neck feel a little closer to the P.

I assume you could. I have a Squier Classic Vibe 60s P and I love the neck. Originally it had thick sticky tinted lacquer. I knocked it down so a nice smooth matte finish but did not wear through the tint. I suppose you could be more aggressive and take it down as much as you like. Best to go gradually rather than overdo it. No going back. Good luck.
After reading about it on talkbass for a long time, I finally got up the courage and used scotch brite pads on my '80s Squier P Bass neck, and on my Sterling Ray 34 CA neck to remove all that sticky glop. What a difference! Smooth like a baby's bottom.
My go-to gigging bass for several years was a Honey Blonde Classic '50s P. I sold it several years ago, but only because I preferred the 1.625" nut width on my P's rather than the 1.75" Classic '50s nut width.

Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. I put one of my basses up for sale on Craigslist. I was also going to list it here on TB; but got a text about an hour after listing it on CL. The guy wanted to trade me a 2011 Classic '50s P AND a '95 Fender Cowpoke for my Godin Shifter. Really wanted to sell it, but couldn't pass up the trade.

The reason I'm telling you all this is because I have really been digging that Classic '50s P! I haven't been able to put it down. It just feels and sounds so good. I had forgotten how sweet they are. It's making me re-think my preference for the narrower neck! ;) So if I were you (OP), I wouldn't eliminate the Classic '50s P. Snag one and take a Scotch Brite pad or fine grit sandpaper to the back of the neck. I think you'll love it, and you won't have to spend a fortune!