Pure Vintage 63 Phase Problem

Oct 2, 2019

Today I have installed a PV 63 on my American Elite Precision. I really dig the sound by it self but as soon as I mix the bridge pickup there is clearly a phase problem as it sounds really honky.

Should I invert the wires going to the solderless connector?. I don't wanna run into problems or damage any thing.

Any info would be much appreciated
The issue has been fixed and I am going to tell my experience in case anyone runs in to a similar problem.

I did try to invert the wires on the solderless neck pup connector of the PV63 ( black to white and white to black) but that didn't work, so finally took it to a tech/luthier and the solution was really surprising... to me at least.

The solution was to invert the J Bridge pup (Gen4 noiseless) and not the PV63, and also wire the active/passive switch ground directly. This did the trick. Now it sounds really good with no phase issues and works flawlessly both in active and passive mode.

I did like the Precision Elite Pup, but the PV63 is much more to my style and sound style preferences as it has this "color".