Put Limiter Enhancer before or after octave&envelope filter

I previously had my envelope filter going before my limiter enhancer LMB-3. I found that it helped to control the large peaks of the filter and it also fattened up the sound and added presence. Now I got the EHX Octave Multiplexer which I want going before the envelope filter but I've heard it's best that compressors go before octaves.

So should I change the position of the LMB-3 to go before the octave?

Also, I've tried to use the Boss SYB-5's super fuzzy synth sounds as a fuzz effect to go with the BassBalls envelop filter, then the LMB-3 would help fatten up the sound. After a bit of tweaking, I found some pretty smooth synthy sounds combining those effects.

Do you think I should change the order of any other pedals in my effects chain?

Current order:
EHX Octave Multiplexer
Boss SYB-5 w/ exp pedal (I'm just experimenting with this one. I haven't used it in a band setting yet)
EHX BassBalls
Boss LMB-3

Suggested order:
Octave Multiplexer
Boss SYB-5
EHX BassBalls
Putting a limiter first or in the middle is only going to work for those effects you put before it....if you put it before the Bassballs (which is a gain-stage effect), you may get unwanted spikes or transients

Its always a safe-bet to put a Limiter last, but lets let others chime in before taking my advice
Most people would agree with you, and put the comp before the octaver. If you put it after, then the added octave now also triggers the compression, so you're likely to compress everything, your signal always coming in above the threshold, and your clean, dry signal getting squashed down too much because of that loud bassy octave below it. And there's no advantage to putting it after the octaver: you're not trying to even out the output of the octaver.

In general comp is nice very early in the chain, after fuzz which is really cool in front of a comp, but before anything else.

There's a nice review of your comp here: Boss LMB-3

The same site has a ton of accurate info on compression from the viewpoint of a bass player.
Different pedals but of those effects my chain is octave synth filter comp. I have od in front of the octave to boost the signal and improve tracking. Also a fuzz before the filter then chorus etc after. What's the reasoning behind comp in front of octave that you refer to? If it is to improve tracking and you currently have no issue with tracking then I wouldn't bother.
Using a compressor/limiter before your Octave Multiplexer might help it track better, but from my experience (I've been using that pedal for over 10 years), it doesn't make much of a difference. Using the limiter before the Bassballs will reduce it's responsiveness to your playing and you don't want that. And, the Octave tracks better before the Bassballs, and the compressor will reduce unwanted volume spikes when after the Bassballs.

I always use my compressor after these pedals, and I own both.
No rules, but a little logical thought can go a long way...

Compressors change the envelope, right?
Octaves often work better with steady input levels for improved tracking, so comp as limiter first might make sense.
Envelope filters follow the envelope, so comp first will change the EF response. Let your ears decide which you prefer. However, EF can also create wild transients, so a limiter after might be useful if that becomes a problem. Maybe a second comp is required?