I recently had to work out some songs note by note and just for curiosity I compared my results (wich are correct, I'm absolutely shure) with the archived tabs.
I did this with 3 songs and I'm stunned:
This tab archive is worth NOTHING in 2 of 3 cases.
1 song is simply completely wrong (I would really like to hear that )
with 1 song the most complicated part (interlude) isn't there at all (quote: "there's something I couldn't get") and there are faults too
only 1 song is o.k., there are only 2 unimportant faults
I admit that this is a very small sample, not suitable to judge the whole archive, so I'm asking:
Is the quality of the tab archive really that bad?
What's your experience? Do you actually use the archive?
BTW I don't want to offend anyone submitting tabs to this archive, but I'm afraid there are people who are not too sure about what they are doing. One should be aware of that.
I recently had to work out some songs note by note and just for curiosity I compared my results (wich are correct, I'm absolutely shure) with the archived tabs.
I did this with 3 songs and I'm stunned:
This tab archive is worth NOTHING in 2 of 3 cases.
1 song is simply completely wrong (I would really like to hear that )
with 1 song the most complicated part (interlude) isn't there at all (quote: "there's something I couldn't get") and there are faults too
only 1 song is o.k., there are only 2 unimportant faults
I admit that this is a very small sample, not suitable to judge the whole archive, so I'm asking:
Is the quality of the tab archive really that bad?
What's your experience? Do you actually use the archive?
BTW I don't want to offend anyone submitting tabs to this archive, but I'm afraid there are people who are not too sure about what they are doing. One should be aware of that.