question regarding cabinets

Jun 26, 2006
you may not have any experience with these cabinets, but i am looking for an experienced bass players opinion.
i am going to buy a GK700RB-II head, and i am trying to determine what cabinet to buy. i want something that will do gigs on outdoor patios and in community centres of about 700 people. my 2 choices are:
a single 4X10 cab (400W)
or a 2X10 400W cab combined with a 1X15 400W cab.

what setup do you think would give me the best sound with a 5-string bass and have good bottom end and high end as well?
i play slap style and regular finger style. appreciate your opinion. and i know i should try it out before i buy, but the stores around here dont carry this make.

ps:my bass is a 5 string fender deluxe zone V active bass
well this is kind of the wrong forum....

but I don't mind telling you what I think about those cabs.

I really don't get along with with GK gear and never have done. I don't think the tone is right for the electric bass, and I think think you shouldn't play a 15" cab without a couple of 10's somewhere in the mix.

You should bi amp your gear and play different frequencies through different cabinets. I've played just about every major companie's gear out there. I used to love David Eden, I've even managed to get a Hartke to work, but only cos I was forced to play on a gig where they screwed up the rider. They are a little too hi fi for my liking. I've played some SWR stuff more recently as Fender now owns them, and when there isn't fender gear to be sent out for a tour they will send me some SWR. So I've been finding ways to make that work for me. I'm I'm very happy with the FBA gear I have now. I use a 4x10 on the road, and sometimes have a 15 underneath it to beef things up. I like pure power and pure pre in the amp department so I keep it very simple.

that's my two cents.

but I would prefer not to have a huge long thread about this cab and that cab. There are lots of great areas of this forum with people posting in them that know far more about this stuff than me. I just play the stuff and I have an opinion for my own sound, and about what I want from the gear. I would reccommned the FBA gear, but only if it works for you. It's important to have your own voice, and the gear can be a part of that. The reason I try and keep the amp situation so simple is to cut down on the amount my sound is changed from the fingers to the cab.

