I'm playing Sire, Yamaha and Squier basses. I noticed an issue where I get a rattling low E when only playing 2 specific tones in the 7th specific position. Both on 4 and 5 string basses BTW.
If you firmly play (pluck) both the 7th position of the E and the 7th position of the G string the E string will rattle between the 7th position and the nut!
You can diminish the issue by setting the thrusrod looser to get more relief but on most basses this pertains except on my fretless Squier.
Is this something others have found and what is the best solution to get rid of it totally. I use a string damper sometimes to get rid of it but that's not the ideal solution.
BTW, the issue is not there if you only play the E or the G separately.
I still don't know why this happens exactly?
I'm playing Sire, Yamaha and Squier basses. I noticed an issue where I get a rattling low E when only playing 2 specific tones in the 7th specific position. Both on 4 and 5 string basses BTW.
If you firmly play (pluck) both the 7th position of the E and the 7th position of the G string the E string will rattle between the 7th position and the nut!
You can diminish the issue by setting the thrusrod looser to get more relief but on most basses this pertains except on my fretless Squier.
Is this something others have found and what is the best solution to get rid of it totally. I use a string damper sometimes to get rid of it but that's not the ideal solution.
BTW, the issue is not there if you only play the E or the G separately.
I still don't know why this happens exactly?