Double Bass Ray Brown's current trio?

I think his "A" group is Geoff Keyser (sp?) and some young drummer who looks about 19. I saw them a few years ago and they were absolutely killing. I saw him earlier this year with what i took to be his "B" group on a lower-profile gig. I can't remember the name of the sidemen off the top of my head, but I posted a thread on it down here in DB somewhere...I'm sure a search of thread titles with "Ray Brown" as the keyword would turn it up.
Yeah I saw a TV programme where they talked to Keyser about this.

I also remember that Ray Brown brought the trio over to the UK this year and he mentioned in interviews how he hated it when people called it a piano trio - to him it was a bass trio! ;)
Originally posted by daveemac
Keezer and Karim Riggins left the band a year or more ago. Currently it's Larry Fuller (p) and George Flutis (d).

Right...THAT'S the group I saw in Indy this year, and while theye were good, they were nowhere NEAR as solid as Keezer and Riggins. Of course, that's kind of a high standard to live up to.