Reasonably affordable multiscale/fanned fret basses?

It's a neckthru, the others are bolt-ons. The 37" necktrhroughs are $570 though, so who knows?

On a side note: I've got on the ESP's, see my full NBD/Review thread here: NBD / Review: ESP Ltd B-1005 Multi-scale

Thanks for the review! Was thinking of getting one but one of my concerns was the top would look very plain. I kinda wish they had just used the back color all over as it's quite pleasant.
I have the Ibanez 6 rocks a little!
2016-08-23 09.31.35.jpg
There's the 37" Defiants, too. Speaking of which I wonder why that 35" one is $800?

Also hopefully Carvin someday reasonably soon.
The most expensive neckthrough fanned fret that Rondo sells is $570: Rondo Music Bass Guitar Multi Scale Fan Fret

Rondo leaves obsolete pages on its website that you can still link to and that's probably why there's an $800 price at that link. If you try to add it to your cart, you get an "out of stock" message. I didn't check all of the OP's links but the current Rondo models and pricing are on the page I linked. Cheers, Bob
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I picked up an early model Combustion used from here on TB a few months ago. It had some neck issues but, once they were straightened out, it had a really nice sound (reminded me of a higher-tech P Bass) and was very playable.

I liked the Combustion so much I bought a used Dingwall Afterburner (also from a TB seller). THAT is an awesome bass but even used, it broke through the upper price barrier this thread has established.

I have played the Ibanez 5 and wasn't especially impressed, though there was nothing obviously wrong with it.

I'd love a chance to get my hands on the LTD for a few hours.
I played one of the Ibanez fanned fret 5 strings a few weeks ago. I was surprised at how good it felt to play. If I had an extra grand laying around, I might consider it, but since I didn't I never plugged it in to hear how it sounded.