Recapping a 1971 SVT with Fliptops kit


Supporting Member
Jul 31, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Hi, I have a 1971 SVT I'm recapping with the kit. I have everything worked out and reinstalled. Except, the two 2w 220ohm resisters that came with the kit. Anybody have some experience with these?

Hi, I have a 1971 SVT I'm recapping with the kit. I have everything worked out and reinstalled. Except, the two 2w 220ohm resisters that came with the kit. Anybody have some experience with these?


Those should be 220k ohm. They're used as balance resistors across the first filter stages. There is a 100uF filter in series with a 70uF and 40uF in parallel. One 220k will be in parallel with the 100uF and the other will be in series with the 70uF and 40uF.

I hope that helps.
I saw the resisters on the schematic. But they weren't installed on the head to replace. After puttng them in the hum is much more quiet.

Excellent. Those resistors are there to distribute the power evenly across all the caps.

I've used the fliptop kits as well, very good quality and that old V4 never sounded better.