Double Bass Recommend me some standards with modern drum tuning

Thanks so much for responding!

You mean recordings or tunes to play?


I think you can play any of them with any drum tuning. I'll thank you for not calling the stupid back backs the kids like to put under the swing feel "modern", though. It takes the music backwards.

Sorry, you've lost me here. At 53, I can't really stay ahead of lingo changes. What are "back backs"?
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Which is "modern"... floor Tom higher or lower than kick?

I'd still tune the kick lower.

I started this thread because I used to be a drummer, and have seen so many changes in equipment and playing styles over the years. I've also noticed that the drummers I know who play in or with jazz-ish ensembles are still bringing "old" drums (50s and 60s vintage) tuned like drums were tuned back then. I can't recall who it was, but I checked out a video of a very nice piano trio (with double bass and) a drummer and his modern kit, and I loved the sound. Reminded me that pianos don't have to be old, basses don't have to be old, and neither do drums.