I have a Red Witch Factotum on my board and noticed in Octaver mode tonight (without Drive) that G#, A, Bb, C track poorly when holding for around 2 seconds or more. I tested it with my Fender Jazz Elite with balance set towards the neck pickup, in active and in passive modes, and directly into the pedal (to eliminate anything before it in the chain). It's running on 9V power from a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus.
Most reviews said it tracks poorly below open A-string, but I was playing on the G string. The intonation is correct on that string. Actually, it tracks quite well on all other strings.
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Most reviews said it tracks poorly below open A-string, but I was playing on the G string. The intonation is correct on that string. Actually, it tracks quite well on all other strings.
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?