Reduce Epi EB0 weight

Oct 17, 2008
I just did a mod/upgrade to an Epiphone EB0 bass. I feel the bass is a little too heavy in weight and I wondered if anyone has done a mod to reduce the body weight of this type of bass or any solid body bass? I am thinking of drilling 1" holes and chiseling out a lot of wood below the pickguard so the new cavity won't be seen and stopping about 1/4" from the backside of the body. Maybe even doing another cavity from the backside along the top area of the body and adding a new cover plate like the one used for the electronic controls on the bass. I would keep all the wood intact that extends from the neck thru the body to preserve the sustain and sound.

I also re-positioned the neck strap knob on the tail end to be more towards the top of the bass which hangs better for how I play and it also cured any neck diving. I considered getting new lightweight tuners, but they only reduced the weight by a half pound. What opinions do any of you have on whether that 1/2 pound reduction is worth it? I don't have any neck dive with the stock tuners after moving the neck strap button.
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never thought about that. I think I would rather have a lighter bass and hold the neck.

You can always add ultra light tuners if it becomes neck heavy. Good luck with your project.

I have the opposite problem. If there is any neck dive at all my back will be killing me within minutes. I would rather have a heavy bass with no neck dive than the other way around.
do you think that the 1/2 pound weight reduction from light weight tuners will make that much of a difference?

It will make a LOT of difference. Think of the neck like a lever. When you exert a little force on a lever it translates to a lot of force on the other end. Same with a bass neck in regards to neck dive. A little weight on the end of the neck = a big different in balance. And 1/2 lb. is a lot of difference on the headstock.

I have ultralight tuners of some sort on a lot of my basses. It made some go from unplayable (without excruciating back pain) to playable. I'll give you an example, I have a '76 Gibson Thunderbird that was very neck heavy. They don't have an upper horn, the 70s era ones were light bodies, an they have a huge headstock with big vintage style tuners. This all translates to neck heavy (and pain for me). I installed Gotoh Res-O-Lite tuners and that bass balances perfectly now and I can play a 4 hour gig with it without pain.
I hear you on the T bird bass. I decided to go for the Gotoh Res o Lites 2R & 2L model GB 350 in chrome. I see them for sale online at StewMac for $48 for all four tuners. BUT, they just call them Compact tuners and never say anywhere on their site the real model number. 2L_2R_Set.html

That doesn't seem right when most places sell the four set usually around $90. Do you or anyone else know if these are a cheaper version of the 350' or are they really the GB 350's? I would call them but they are closed at this hour.
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I just did a mod/upgrade to an Epiphone EB0 bass. I feel the bass is a little too heavy in weight and I wondered if anyone has done a mod to reduce the body weight of this type of bass or any solid body bass? I am thinking of drilling 1" holes and chiseling out a lot of wood below the pickguard so the new cavity won't be seen and stopping about 1/4" from the backside of the body. Maybe even doing another cavity from the backside along the top area of the body and adding a new cover plate like the one used for the electronic controls on the bass. I would keep all the wood intact that extends from the neck thru the body to preserve the sustain and sound.

I also re-positioned the neck strap knob on the tail end to be more towards the top of the bass which hangs better for how I play and it also cured any neck diving. I considered getting new lightweight tuners, but they only reduced the weight by a half pound. What opinions do any of you have on whether that 1/2 pound reduction is worth it? I don't have any neck dive with the stock tuners after moving the neck strap button.

How much does it weigh? I have an old Gibson EB-3 which is very light, mahogany body, i think it's all mahogany. You might change the sound if you chip out wood.
Holding the neck to compensate for neck dive could create more problems than it's worth in the form of physical issues that may manifest around the elbow, shoulder, or neck. A neoprene strap can help a lot. You have virtually nothing to lose financially modifying the Epi itself.
I don't know the actual weight. I now this Epiphone EB-0 bass, short scale and these basses are heavier than a Gibson EB series. I have tried both of them at a Guitar Center plus I have owned a Gibson EB-0 and EB-3 before and they are lighter in weight than these Epi's.
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With my tail end neck strap peg moved upwards by 3", it now appears to hang level and not dive to the floor. But, I also play more vertical, like Bill Wyman and some other bass players. I was hoping to find the gotoh gb 350 tuners since there are so many sales going on. But I can't find any dealer, like Musicians Frined, that sell these tuners.
I am thinking of drilling 1" holes and chiseling out a lot of wood below the pickguard so the new cavity won't be seen and stopping about 1/4" from the backside of the body. Maybe even doing another cavity from the backside along the top area of the body and adding a new cover plate like the one used for the electronic controls on the bass. I would keep all the wood intact that extends from the neck thru the body to preserve the sustain and sound.

The body of my older Epi EB0 is very heavy and I'm thinking of doing the same type of drilling to lighten it. Did you lighten yours? If so, how did it work out?
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