I hope you can see from the pics that my case comes in two parts, one for the body of the bass and the other for the neck and accessories. The neck portion is about 6 inches deep. The case is made of a corrugated plastic, foam, tape, some sort of glue, probably hot glue, I'm guessing, two rollerblade wheels and some short stakes to help align the two parts of the case. The case is entirely sealed. The inset handholds are surrounded by boxes on the inside. There are four handholds. The fastener to keep the two portions together is just that thick velcro strap, about 2 inches wide. The inner separator for the neck is similarly bound. There are velcro loops at the top and bottom of the neck to keep it for dislodging and striking the body during travel. The case weighs about ten pounds. If I had to do it over, I think I'd provide a bit more room beteen the edge of the case and the DB but so far, with about a half dozen flights, there's been no issues. I flew with it last month on American Airlines and their limit is 120 linear inches. This case is only 95 1/2 so I could easily add 3 inches to the length and width and still not come close to their limit. And, there was no charge. Just a minor complaint about the size when I arrived. But, I just quote their website to them and they usually comply.