I have a wonderful-sounding (and seemingly rare) Markbass CL152 (2x15 Classic), 72lbs, made from the same crummy flakeboard. I replaced the baffle board with quality plywood.
It didn't come with wheels, just little rubber feet. I added casters, but I honestly can't remember how I mounted them-- but if I was smart I at least put large washers on the inside.Did you have to do anything to the wheelboard?
Common problem with particle board cabinets.
Going to need to cut out the damaged wood and epoxy in a proper patch. Need to use epoxy because there's no way to insure a uniform glue line that's not going to be way too wide.
If you want to use wheels with this cabinet, you will need to add a 1/8" thick metal reinforcing plate all the way across the back under where the wheels mount to spread the load.