Repair Help - Markbass 8x10 damaged

My markbass 8x10 had it's left wheel pushed into the cabinet while in transport.

I'm not sure the best way to repair it. I was thinking I could replace either a small section behind it or the entire piece behind both casters.

Any suggestions?

cab3.jpg cab2.jpg cab1.jpg
Common problem with particle board cabinets.

Going to need to cut out the damaged wood and epoxy in a proper patch. Need to use epoxy because there's no way to insure a uniform glue line that's not going to be way too wide.

If you want to use wheels with this cabinet, you will need to add a 1/8" thick metal reinforcing plate all the way across the back under where the wheels mount to spread the load.
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Common problem with particle board cabinets.

Going to need to cut out the damaged wood and epoxy in a proper patch. Need to use epoxy because there's no way to insure a uniform glue line that's not going to be way too wide.

If you want to use wheels with this cabinet, you will need to add a 1/8" thick metal reinforcing plate all the way across the back under where the wheels mount to spread the load.

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try. I'm also planning on refinishing the whole thing with duratek.
Some types of particle board can shatter when dropped. I've had casters punch through due to time and excessive humidity.

Some remove the bottom wood and replace it with ¾" plywood. On some cabinets where you can gain access, a smaller sized piece of ply can be glued in on the inside to reinforce the structure. A good epoxy can fill in the damaged area. Although I've had the stronger epoxy and caster punch though a second time. As mentioned, a thin steel plate on the bottom is a good idea, to spread the pressure over the surface area of the plate.
Update: I reinforced the inside, replaced the bottom board, and wood filler/bondo the whole thing. I took the original tolex off the whole cab and started painting the whole thing. I think I'm going to put a steel plate on the board before putting the casters back on. It should be in better shape than when I first got it. Thanks for the help everyone.

bottom-hole.jpg cab-board.jpg cab-bondo.jpg cab-paint1.jpg
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