Replacement for LaBella Quarter Rounds help please


Up the Irons! Westham United FC--mile high irons
Jul 8, 2009
La Bella bass strings has discontinued their quarter round sets as of this year. I love this set as an all around string for many uses. They have a good thump similar to flat wounds and have a nice mid growl with out the clanky high end associated with some rounds.

I play a four string jazz fretted, and fretless, always fingerstyle. I do not slap, and play in a variety of jazz and Motown situations.I have tried DAddario half wounds but was a little underwhelmed (a bit too flat sounding ).

For flats I usually use Thomastik and rounds I use Daddario nickels. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
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GHS Pressurewounds!

I don't have any experience with the LB QRs, but based on what I've reading, the PWs are slightly more round-ish both in tone and feel than the QRs, but without the typical zing of rounds up top. They would fit right in between the TI flats and the D'A Nickels.
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Thank you Michael_t. I need to check them out, I think I tried them briefly once many years ago. I bet they will sound good on my fretless? Are they similar to rounds in feel?
I bet they will sound good on my fretless? Are they similar to rounds in feel?

I don't play a fretless myself, but I know for a fact a lot of fretless players swear by them.

They do feel closer to rounds than the QRs, but still a lot smoother in texture than rounds; in fact, the D'A Nickel rounds would feel like cheese graters in comparison.

I should also add that I use the ML7200 set (44-58-80-102), which I find to be very well-balanced and similar to the D'A EXL170BT set (45-60-80-107) in terms of overall tension/stiffness.
Hey Everyone,
Thank you for the comments and ideas on a new string. I tried a friends bass this weekend with new GHS pressure wounds and I was kind of impressed. I have borrowed this bass before and strung it with QR so am kind of familiar with its specific sound (also a fretless jazz). The feel was great but the tone was not as fat as the QR and the top end was a little thin. I think they may ' get closer ' as they age, but would love to try compressors next. Are they a lot different than the slick rounds in feel and tone? (pressure vs half round).

In the meantime I will stick with my current goto fretless with QR (and I have one old set sitting around) but next go round will order compressors and perhaps GHS for my fretted jazzes.
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The Quarter Wound strings can still be custom ordered. But the minimum order is 36 sets. You just have to convince your local dealer to make the order. I could help you out but I'm in Iceland:)
I love these strings and I'm trying to help keep them on the market.
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Thank you GFinnsson. That is a lot of quarter rounds! They are unique strings for sure. I used them last night in a big band and they sounded great. All of my string orders have been on the web...perhaps I could convince Jason at Bass strings online to get them.....
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I like Pressurewounds, but having used Labella QRs extensively over the years, IMHO Pressurewounds do not feel or sound like QRs at all.

QR's low end response has some of the girth of flatwounds (enough to fool some people into thinking they are flats). But they also preserve some of the harmonic content that you get from roundwounds.

Pressurewounds are warm, punchy & musical, but their low end response is more like what you get from a roundwound string.
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Daveming, I agree.I tried some ghs pressure wound this weekend and the low thump as just not there for me. Interesting strings that sounded pretty good , but not what I was looking for.
I've kept my stings on for a while (about 2 years), did you keep yours on for a long time?
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yeah, the PW (or the Compressors) is closer to have round wound sound than flats'. I used D'Addario HalfRounds before but didn't like them and almost went with the QR but ended up choosing the PW (and the Compressors on another bass), cause what I was chasing after is the sound of round wound with smoother to touch than regular round wound.

As for the OP's subject, have you tried half rounds other than the D'Addario's? GHS has the Brite Flats and Ken Smith has the Slick Round.
I did try ghs Pw this past weeekend, but preferred the
Quarter rounds. I have not tried smiths. I had a very heavy gauge of half rounds so may try a lighter set.
Thanks for your post.
Daveming, I agree.I tried some ghs pressure wound this weekend and the low thump as just not there for me. Interesting strings that sounded pretty good , but not what I was looking for.
I've kept my stings on for a while (about 2 years), did you keep yours on for a long time?

They are (again) somewhat like flatwounds in that respect -- they get better with age and even when considered "dead", they are still musical - 2 years at least!