Replacements for EMGs in a Spector?

May 7, 2014
Rochester, NY
Endorsing Artist for Bergantino Audio Systems and Payson Fanned Bass Strings
DISCLAIMER: I have never owned a Spector and know nothing about active pickups.
A friend of mine asked me to help him out with his Spector. He's noticing some distortion at higher playing volumes. Would this be a pickup issue? If so, he's wondering if it is possible to swap out the EMGs for passive pickups, or if he would have to replace them with a new set. What pickups would you recommend?
EMGs shouldn't be distorting in a Spector (or anything else) unless something is wrong. As mmbongo said, the first fix is to replace the battery, and there's a very good chance your problem is solved. Next, I would check the pickup height. If there is much less than 1/8' between the bottom of the string and the top of the bridge pickup cover it's possible that the string is actually hitting the pickup, and that will sound weird and distorted. Look here for more on pickup height: Pickup height affect on tone?
As noted above, verify a good, hot battery first, and if that doesn't fix it-
EMG DCs are pretty hot. Depending what they're going into, they can overdrive it. Being active pickups, nothing is lost by backing the volume off a little. Or add a resistor to bleed a liltle signal off, then the vol knob can be maxed.
The EMGs that I swapped into my Spector Legend can cause amps like GKs to distort even with the active/pad switch engaged. To fix that, I have to back off on the master volume and sometimes the onboard EQ. It doesn't cause the same problems on my Fender Rumble or my Carvin. You might suggest he try a few different amps to make sure it's not the fault of the amp.
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