Replicate turning up VT bass drive

Jan 19, 2011
Hi, I love my vt bass pedal. Ideally a deluxe version would be perfect for me, as I love to have a cleaner sound set in with drive at 9 because while its relatively clean, it still adds its magic to the dirt before it. I also love turning the drive up to 12 to get that maxed out nick oliveri sound but can't change settings mid-song so atm I'm just dialing in the cleaner setting and then turning on my OCD clone(ultimate drive) for that next level, but its just not the same as turning up the drive on the vt. Its Not creamy or spongy enough and the low notes (despite not losing too much low frequencies) just dont hold together properly. The vt deluxes hardly ever come up for sale (in aus) and I definitely can't afford a new one. Im restricted to pre-loved pedals unless there's a cheap brand that works. Normal vt's sometimes appear but not sure if stacking them would cause a negative effect. I guess I could also get an AB switcher but that's only if a vt comes up for grabs anyway. So I'm after suggestions for what you guys think might work for me so I know what types to trial on my tone mission.

Thanks for reading
Might be a silly question, but I dunno how the gain staging works on the VT, sooo...
Does turning your gain from 9 to Noon increase the volume much?
I'd say try and find a HotHand or whatever they call 'em. Like a volume pedal with an arm that attaches to a knob of your choosing.
Throw it on the gain knob, set it's min at 9 and max at Noon. When the time comes, step on it and you're off!

Edit: this thing! Tone in Progress Third Hand Expression Pedal
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I've had much better results stacking overdrives into the VT rather than just running the VT standalone at higher gain. The Bearfoot Blueberry sounds particularly good into the VT, and since you mentioned creamy / spongy, this describes the Blueberry to a tee!
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I just did a search on the blueberry, and it seems perfectly what I'm after! I've also looked at the barbershop which I've taken off the list. Nice pedal but not what I'm after. I see the grizzly pops up in these sorts of threads to, but I can't say I've ever seen one come up for sale in aus. May as well have a look so I can at least use it for reference.