Research concludes Tender Octaver MKll Sounds best after fuzz and dirt

I agree with you jazznric, I have too found that running my OC2 & Tenderer Octave ( the original small one ) sound really good following (after) my Carcosa Fuzz pedal. I run the Fuzz 1st in line immediately after my Mooer Baby Tuner then into OC2 then into Mooer Octaver. I have been noticing lately that a lot of guys are placing their fuzz or dirt AFTER the Octavers, I guess whatever works best for you, but I do agree with you on your findings!
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This conversation is going nowhere. What is supposed to happen if I put my octave AFTER the fuzz? Analog octaves track pretty poorly if there is a lot of harmonic content coming in.

I did try putting my Carcosa before OC-2. It sounded different and didn't track as well. Granted, I didn't have the time to try different settings.