Round wound players what gauge and why?

May 31, 2016
Holbrook, NY
I'm looking for opinions about what made you settle on the string gauge you're currently using. I've been strictly using light gauge, current favorite are the new GHS Balanced Nickels on my two Fender Jazz basses, one a 2016 Elite 4 and a 2003 MIM 4 with DiMarzio Model J's.
Thanks for your input!
I think it's just personal preference, but I've been using the DAdd EPS300 Prosteels because they are a fairly balanced tension set including a taperwound E & A with gauges 107T, 85T, 63, 43. I like the slightly beefier E, and smaller D/G than in a standard 45105 set. You can also drop the E to D with no problem, and even CGCF sounds good.
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Unless they aren't available from the maker, 50-105 or 45-105 is what I use - on the rare occasions I use rounds. My Kramer Duke has short scale Boomers, which are 50-107s, and my 4003 Rick has the discontinued Rick Light Nickel Rounds (40-95), but they're the exceptions. I always put EB Hybrid or Regular Slinkys on a new bass, then (usually) start looking for other strings to get the sound I want. And, I almost always wind up with flats or tapes... There are a few basses that have kept the Slinkys, though; but not many. Oh, well; c'est la vie....:cool:
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For a 4-string, .045-.105 is my preference, - probably more out of habit than anything else. I like a higher tension feel for my plucking hand.

After I bought my first bass with a 35" scale length, I found I could use a lighter gauge string and still have enough string tension for my taste.
I use what Ken Smith refers to as their "medium gauge" which is .045 - .065 - .085 - .105
When I first started using Smith strings (in 1985) I was using their "medium-light gauge" which I believe is .005 smaller for each string, but about 15 years ago I decided I wanted a little more "meat" both sonically and tactiley.
I have been purchasing single strings as the E & B strings in most standard sets have lower tension than the other strings. A balanced set requires a heavier E & B.

Sites that l purchase single strings from:
Talkbass member SLaPiNFuNK from Bass Strings Online will even create custom sets for you.

Kalium Strings has an online tension calculator that is useful for making balanced sets.
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This thread is doubly relevant to me: I have a Washburn Taurus modded with DiMarzio Model J's and a set of Ernie Ball Super Slinkies that were pretty cool, but are dying and that I'm not sure got the most out of the absolutely, disgustingly corpulent J tone the DiMarzios deliver. But I don't know that for sure. They're .45-.100, and I see the Regular Slinkies are .50-.105, but I ALSO see that other makers go .45-.105, and of course there's the matter of material.

I installed a pretty sweet capacitor in the tone pot path and kinda wish I used said pot is there a string that maybe adds even a little more high end without sacrificing too much of the lows? I get nice, very workable lows (and of course low mids, holy potbelly Batman) as it is. Might very well be the same gauge range with a brighter material, but while y'all're here, I thought I'd ask since there's much more to sound than on-paper specs.

In short, maybe I'm asking: with DiMarzio Model J's and an open mind, is there a set that might get the most out of both tonal versatility and the totally, barf-inducingly gross awesomeness of those pickups?
i've used roto swing 66's (35-55-70-90) for years but i started appreciating TI jazz rounds (43-51-68-89) a couple of years ago (after reading some TB comments and recommendations). i like the similarities (clarity) and the differences (feel, stiffness/tension). i'm used to them both so i'd rather rely on those two rather than search for something 'better'. i've done that search several times and i arrived back at the beginning...relying on what i'm used to = what i can depend on.

one set cost $20 or less, the other is pricey at $55-$75. both are good strings* for me.

*lots of great strings out there!
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