Running Rumble 800 head at 2ohms

Does anyone have experience running the rumble 800 head at 2 ohms?
I know it’s rated for 2 ohms, but I’ve searched and can’t find any info on anyone actually running it this way.

I’ve got the 500c and love it, but I’ve found myself in a situation that calls for a lot more air to be pushed ;)

Looking at the Rumble 800 and Mesa D800.
Couldn’t anyone help you in the Rumble club?

What speaker cabinet(s) are you using?

Going from 500W to 800W will not be that much louder. A bigger difference will be made by increasing the number of cabinets you use.

that’s definitely true! I’ve been running the 500c, which I love and intend to keep, but I’m not sure that it will give me the ability to push the air I’m needing.
This is what interests me about the 800, not necessarily the wattage increase, but the ability to run more speakers.

I have posted in the rumble club.
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OP Can you answer the second question in my post above. :)

A Rumble 410.

I like the idea of going the head route, because it would allow for a more modular rig. I’m not married to the 500c if it means I can be more flexible. I like the series, so that’s where my question stemmed.
For instance, if I go with the head I could supplement with a second 410. Or if the occasion ever came, a 2 ohm load with more speakers.
It’s less of a “make or break“, and more of a “just curious” question. Sorry for the confusion.
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I’ve got the 500c and love it, but I’ve found myself in a situation that calls for a lot more air to be pushed ;)
I have the 500c as well, along with a 112 Rumble cab. I have never been in a situation where I absolutely needed the cab. I usually just stacked them and used the 112 as a stand. I say "stacked" (past tense) because my bands are ampless now and my amp just stares at me when I walk by. But my question is: what kind of situation are you in where the 500c is not enough?
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I have the 500c as well, along with a 112 Rumble cab. I have never been in a situation where I absolutely needed the cab. I usually just stacked them and used the 112 as a stand. I say "stacked" (past tense) because my bands are ampless now and my amp just stares at me when I walk by. But my question is: what kind of situation are you in where the 500c is not enough?

That’s awesome.
It’s a metal band (doom/post metal stuff), loud drummer, two guitars both running two tube amps w/ 412s, and vocals.
And yes, I love my ear plugs. :thumbsup:
And yes, I’ve tried for a lower stage volume, but you know how that goes.
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