OK, I'm looking for a pedal to emulate a Valve Output stage.. I have a TwoNotes Revolt Bass valve pre amp, and a plethora of other valve type drives, but I'm lacking 'that' Output stage slight grind, sag?, that a valve Output adds. I'm currently using an Aguilar AG700, which I use for 1st set , just Bass + AG. 1st set is old blues, accompanying slide on dobro.
Set 2 & 3 are both loud rock sets.. I use pedals & 2notes pre into fx return of AG.
My current speakers are 2 x Bergantino NXV210s, or occasionally 2 x Ampeg svt210avs .
DESPERATELY SEEKING Valve Output "tone", without a SVT, or Freyette 2/90/2..ect..
Any thoughts b much appreciated.
Set 2 & 3 are both loud rock sets.. I use pedals & 2notes pre into fx return of AG.
My current speakers are 2 x Bergantino NXV210s, or occasionally 2 x Ampeg svt210avs .
DESPERATELY SEEKING Valve Output "tone", without a SVT, or Freyette 2/90/2..ect..
Any thoughts b much appreciated.
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