S/gold Fx BetaV vs JPTR Fx Jive vs Barbershop

Old Ozzie Guy

Gold Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2023
Surfers Paradise Qld Australia
OK, I'm looking for a pedal to emulate a Valve Output stage.. I have a TwoNotes Revolt Bass valve pre amp, and a plethora of other valve type drives, but I'm lacking 'that' Output stage slight grind, sag?, that a valve Output adds. I'm currently using an Aguilar AG700, which I use for 1st set , just Bass + AG. 1st set is old blues, accompanying slide on dobro.
Set 2 & 3 are both loud rock sets.. I use pedals & 2notes pre into fx return of AG.
My current speakers are 2 x Bergantino NXV210s, or occasionally 2 x Ampeg svt210avs .
DESPERATELY SEEKING Valve Output "tone", without a SVT, or Freyette 2/90/2..ect..
Any thoughts b much appreciated.
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I have the Jive and it adds more a tape saturation/distortion sound, think like late 60's Macca bass tracks solo'd - this was my experience from owning the Jive and trying to learn some Abbey Road/Get Back era lines recently. I used to have the DCX bass and it adds a more a natural/transparent drive sound, but it's also meant to emulate a tape pre iirc.

I'm not sure what valve output means, but hope the above helps.
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I have the Jive and it adds more a tape saturation/distortion sound, think like late 60's Macca bass tracks solo'd - this was my experience from owning the Jive and trying to learn some Abbey Road/Get Back era lines recently. I used to have the DCX bass and it adds a more a natural/transparent drive sound, but it's also meant to emulate a tape pre iirc.

I'm not sure what valve output means, but hope the above helps.
Thanks for that. I think i may get a jive and try it, its an interesting pedal to have , even if its not suited for my "output " use. What I mean by valve Output, is a full valve amp (any), mainly consisting of 2 parts , a pre amp , and an Output amp. Same as A valve pre amp adds a valve "flavour " to the over all tone, so dose a valve Output stage. I have been using a decent valve pre amp (imho), I'm trying to add that "sag" , "even harmonic", ect, that a full valve amp has. ( using a lightweight, much cheaper SS amp). I hope that makes sense.
Thanks again for your thoughts, experience, it's much appreciated.
Thanks for that. I think i may get a jive and try it, its an interesting pedal to have , even if its not suited for my "output " use. What I mean by valve Output, is a full valve amp (any), mainly consisting of 2 parts , a pre amp , and an Output amp. Same as A valve pre amp adds a valve "flavour " to the over all tone, so dose a valve Output stage. I have been using a decent valve pre amp (imho), I'm trying to add that "sag" , "even harmonic", ect, that a full valve amp has. ( using a lightweight, much cheaper SS amp). I hope that makes sense.
Thanks again for your thoughts, experience, it's much appreciated.

I think there may be some good suggestions in this thread in that case. it's recent too so has the latest and greatest pedals available!

The Barbershop is frequently described here as producing exactly the sound you describe. I can’t speak from any personal experience, but this description has intrigued me. Maybe if/when Pedal Empire in Brisbane gets more Fairfield stuff in, I’ll give it a try.
Yeah, looking like I gotta buy 1 , to find out for sure. So far d barbershop is the most quoted, so to speak.
There are quite a few that get close. If I had to pick one it’s the origin effects SV. It “feels” like it should. I haven’t found anything that can beat it, though I don’t find the speaker sim as useful (live anyway) so I usually split the amp out 1/4” to a seperate DI, since the speaker sim is always coupled with the amp sim on the XLR out.

That said the beta V sounds very very good but I don’t think it has that same feel for me, but the sound in a mix will likely still be great.
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There are quite a few that get close. If I had to pick one it’s the origin effects SV. It “feels” like it should. I haven’t found anything that can beat it, though I don’t find the speaker sim as useful (live anyway) so I usually split the amp out 1/4” to a seperate DI, since the speaker sim is always coupled with the amp sim on the XLR out.

That said the beta V sounds very very good but I don’t think it has that same feel for me, but the sound in a mix will likely still be great.
Thanks for that, I have considered the S/vintage.. my dilemma is, I currently use a 2notes Revolt, which gives me a fairly believable SVT & a Marshal Super Bass, I use both nearly 50/50.. don't really want to spend $s on SV and , only use 2notes for Marshal..
Thanks for your input, all gives me more to think on.
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Audio Kitchen Fake Plastic Trees is a SS pedal designed to sound just like their Big Trees tube amp. It’s a bit more than the Jive and Barbershop, but might be worth looking at if budget isn’t much of a concern.
Thanks, I will definitely check it out, this place is a "wealth of information ". Iv only been playing bass for 18months, (played guitar for yrs), but I often get other bass players commenting on sounds I pull. Would have taken years, to find what works for me, without u guys..
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+ for the EHX Hot Tubes for an easy to find affordable way to add some tube like warmth to any signal chain. I find that the gain is very sensitive and can precisely dial in just the right saturation for any stage of your chain, like emulating the final or output stage you are looking for. The tone bypass is a great option and tool for additional shaping.
I also use a Sushi Box Finally for just this stated purpose or for a more high end clean the MORE
Audio Kitchen Fake Plastic Trees is a SS pedal designed to sound just like their Big Trees tube amp. It’s a bit more than the Jive and Barbershop, but might be worth looking at if budget isn’t much of a concern.
+1 on the Fake Plastic Trees. I have tried all of the above (and more) and the Audio Kitchen is going to get you what you need, if you are specifically looking for something to emulate a valve output stage.

also use a Sushi Box Finally for just this stated purpose or for a more high end clean the MORE
I'm a big fan of the Finally as well - great way to add some tube warmth.

Various modellers/amp sims would also be an option.

If you're looking for that "sag" sound, look for a dirt pedal what has a "sag" or "bias" control - The SS/BS Mini, the Wren and Cuff Phat Phuck B, etc. I think someone compiled a list awhile back, but there's another option.
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