Even if they are the same (I'm not saying either way, as it's been years since I've had either on my bench), there are quite a few variables when you make such a simple design. Many years ago, before the potting was used, I had a look at Roger's preamp. I didn't bother writing down the circuit because it was so simple - a scaled fender tone stack (with a fixed resistor for the mid control), between two fet common source preamps. (Well that's my memory of it, but I'm happy to be proven otherwise - it was maybe 20 years ago!). I won't lie, I have used (and evolved) this idea myself and love the sound of these type of circuits. But the fets themselves have a huge variance even within the same batch. And when a filter is controlled with audio taper pots, there will be quite some variation, again, even when the pots are from the same source.