Sansamp BDDI Deluxe FX Loop Question

Hey All!

Does anybody with experience with this model know if the level knob is placed in the circuit before or after the FX loop? I've been looking into the BDDI Deluxe or some other multi-channel preamp which will allow me not only a variety of tones, but bring my live basses (a Bongo 6 at 18v and Ibanez SR505 at 9v) to the same level before going to my amp so I can stop fiddling with the gain knob on my head mid-set. I plan on running a compressor and a few effects in the loop as well, but I realized that the only way to be able to keep my settings on those sounding the same across both instruments is if the level knob is before the loop, rather than after. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I checked the manual and it isn't explicit but I guess it's because the SansAmp works like a traditional amp. The whole point of an fx loop is to be able to put fx such as reverb and delay after the gain stage of an amp to avoid adding distorsion to a reverberated/delayed signal. That said, when you turn up the (master) volume on your amp, the whole signal chain, fx loop included, will sound louder.
On the SansAmp, it only makes sense that the volume is after the loop.
As I gather, your issue is that you's like to even out the sound of your basses so that they hit effects like the comp for instance in more or less the same way, right?
You have the whole gain and EQ stages of the BBDI to do so anyway so you should be able to achieve your goal with the SansAmp.
That's if you plan to use the BBDI as it's intented: sans amp.
If you'll be using an amp anyway, you can always chain fx after the BBDI if you feel you need the benefits of the programmable volume too. You can even put fx in your amps' loop!
Hope that helps.