Scuffed Flats and Graphite Lubricant (Sticky Strings)

Aug 3, 2019
So I know a lot of people have problems w/ their flats and uke bass strings feeling sticky. Recently I've been playing a bass uke w/ Aquila Thunderblacks and noticed that the two thinner strings that have the iron in them seem to be much less sticky. Got me thinking.

Has anybody tried something like graphite lubricant to fight the stickiness? I'll have to order some if I'm to try for myself.

Then I started thinking of flats and their stickiness, and remembered how some people sand the back of their necks to get a 'fastet neck' and thought, what would happen if we scuffed some flats? Would this fight off the stickiness? Would it change the tone at all? I would love to try but am not prepared to scuff up my Labella gold flats.

So unless anybody has tried these, I think I have some experiments to try. Anybody got any thoughts?
There's Fast Fret and other string lubricants, but I dunno if that's compatible with those Aquila strings. It would work on flats, though.

I'd be interested to try buffing a sticky flat like a D'addario Chrome with a Scotch Brite pad or something and see if they feel less sticky. Just run the pad up and down the string a couple of times. I doubt you'd ruin the strings, but I dunno how thick the gold coating on on your La Bella's is.
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I think I'm going to order some cheap flats for the experiment. As for the uke strings, most people can't seem to find something that works for more than a few songs on it.
I think I'm going to order some cheap flats for the experiment. As for the uke strings, most people can't seem to find something that works for more than a few songs on it.
I found that the natural oils from ones face, assuming you don't have super dry skin, actually worked great when I had a bass uke with Thunderguts. Just rub your forehead or nose and play. It's always there and it's free.
Those synthetic strings are tricky. I'm surprised Kala or Aquila hasn't come out with a string lubricant considering how many people find the strings to be sticky.