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Search default update

Yes. Prior to a few days ago, when I would use the Search function while in a thread, the search would default to searching "Everywhere" In other words, it would return results from various threads if I forgot to specify "This thread." In order to restrict the search to the currently viewed thread, I would have to remember to open the gear and select "This thread" from the drop-down every time.
Now, when in a thread, as I begin typing my search term, the drop-down automatically drops down and "This thread" is selected already. Along with some search suggestions. This seems a more logical behavior.
As I typically search for results from the current thread, this works better for me. If I want to search all threads I do it from the main Talkbass page.
I hope I have explained this clearly and I hope this search behavior suits most members, not just me.

Overall I am quite happy with the new site. Good work guys. I truly appreciate Talkbass! Thanks!
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