Securing Stacked Cabs?

OK so I have to Eden 210 cabs that I stack vertically and I'm very happy with the sound. However moving them together is a bit of a hassle (not as bad as moving two 410s). Basically one of my cabs has casters on the bottom so to move them I would stack the cabs and push. As long as i'm on smooth flat ground I have no issues however as most of you know the real world is filled with all types of terrine. As soon as there is an incline or rough ground the top cab wants to fall off the bottom cab as i'm pushing them.

I'm looking for a way that I can secure my stacked cabs to make it easier to move them. It needs to be something that I can undue easy so that I can store them in my car but secure enough that i can keep the stack together while pushing it around on rough surfaces. I don't really care what it looks like as long as it doesn't damage the cabs.

Go Go Talkbass!
You could use one Tie Down strap over your top cab, hooked into each of the bottom cabs handles.
Or use a pair of Tie Downs connected from handle to handle of each side.

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You could use one Tie Down strap over your top cab, hooked into each of the bottom cabs handles.
Or use a pair of Tie Downs connected from handle to handle of each side.


I think this is the route that I'm going in unless I can find another solution.

I'm not really opposed to using a dolly however it does make the casters on the bottom cab kinda pointless but then again the casters came with the cab so it's not like I'm out anything.

I was kinda considering something like latches. Like on a hard shell case but I'm not interested in drilling holes into the cabs at this point.

Any other suggestions?