seeking Single shoulder strap gig bag

Feb 16, 2005
Alberta, Canada
TL;DR: looking for a single shoulder strap style bass gig bag.

In the early 90’s I bought a cheap Ibanez gig bag with a single shoulder strap, and loved it. Fast forward to a couple years ago, it gave up the ghost after developing a large rip/hole in the accessory pocket. Well, without thinking it through, I trashed it, thinking I would pick up another next chance I got.

Well, they don’t seem to sell single shoulder strap models anymore. They’ve been supplanted by the ever popular backpack style double straps.

Had I known this, I would have had my accessory pocket repaired, or salvaged the shoulder strap and reused it. As it stands I bought a new gig bag, cut off the backpack straps, and just carry it by the handle. But I really miss the old style single shoulder strap model.

Does anyone still make a single shoulder strap bass gig bag?
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I have a bunch of gig bags. Pretty much all of them are “backpack style,” but that doesn’t prevent me from using just one of the straps.

Of the ones I own, the Protec Contego is my favorite.
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I have a bunch of gig bags. Pretty much all of them are “backpack style,” but that doesn’t prevent me from using just one of the straps.
Actually, the thing I dislike most about the backpack style, is the way the neck protrudes above the head. The single strap type attached near the headstock, not the middle, and the majority of the bass slung under the armpit.
Laptop bag with multiple compartments works for me.
One handle and one shoulder strap.

You can fit a bass in a laptop bag?

Actually, the thing I dislike most about the backpack style, is the way the neck protrudes above the head. The single strap type attached near the headstock, not the middle, and the majority of the bass slung under the armpit.

Ah. That is a different problem from what I understood form your original post. This is one of the reasons I like the Contego - I don't have to worry about banging my bass against the top of doorways. In your case, though, as others have said, the GigBlade may be best for what you describe. Past that, just look at pictures; I agree that many backpack-style gig bags have poorly thought-out shoulder straps.
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Just looked into this. It looks perfect, but even $100 sounds high compared to the $20 I spent on that basic Ibanez. I really wish now that I salvaged it.
Well, bags are better quality these days, and the dollar is worth about half as much as in 1990. What you can get for $40 these days isn’t much. This bag would probably last as long as your Ibanez, so I’d say it was a reasonable investment.
The best gigbag I've ever seen is the Roscoe branded bags that come with Roscoe basses. I'm not sure who makes them but it would be worth looking into, or I'm sure Roscoe would sell just the bag. It's easily useable with a single strap, and the headstock does not stick up over your head. Of course they are very thick and well made with fantastic padding. However, if a $100 bag is out of your price range you probably don't want to price one of these. But one of these will be cheaper in the long run after you replace a junk bag a few times.
On an admittedly shallow level I agree w/ OP's complaint: Something about carrying an old skool single-strap gig bag just feels a bit less dorky than having your bass strapped on like a backpack. :) But the modern backpack design is so much more comfortable that I stopped worrying about it.

I believe any of the Glen Kronkhite bags are still available with a single shoulder strap, and if Ken Smith still makes their gig bag it comes with the appropriately-located D-rings for an old skool single shoulder strap (although it also has permanently attached backpack straps).
On an admittedly shallow level I agree w/ OP's complaint: Something about carrying an old skool single-strap gig bag just feels a bit less dorky than having your bass strapped on like a backpack. :) But the modern backpack design is so much more comfortable that I stopped worrying about it.

I believe any of the Glen Kronkhite bags are still available with a single shoulder strap, and if Ken Smith still makes their gig bag it comes with the appropriately-located D-rings for an old skool single shoulder strap (although it also has permanently attached backpack straps).
I will look into the Glen Kronkhite bags, thank you.
To the OP:
Incredible isn't it?
I baby my single strap bag.
Hate the backpack style and bending down to clear doorways.
Some of the back packs allow you to use a long single strap althought the angle isn't perfect.
Pretty much have given up and use the Mono bag but will look into those listed above.
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I have indeed heard very good things about the gigblade. Only the high cost is prohibitive, but I may yet relent.
They have a cheaper model called the Sliver (not THAT cheap but cheaper than the Gigblade 2), and in July they're coming out with a bag called the Edge that's even cheaper. I just ordered a Sliver that will be here on Thursday. Was not happy about paying $150 for a gigbag when I've never spent more than $65, but the design seemed solid to me, and like you, I hate those damn bags where the neck sticks over your head and makes you feel like Lurch.
hate those damn bags where the neck sticks over your head
I probably don’t have a choice. My research has proven that none but GruvGear is making single shoulder strap models any more. There is the occasional decades old bag showing up on classifieds, but that is rare.

I will most likely have to take the GigBag plunge. Thank you all for your helpful responses.
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