Sequel Songs To Hit Songs

Apr 17, 2009
There have been many sequel songs to hit songs. Some of the sequels also became hits. Here are a few to start. Can you think of other sequel songs?

Harry Chapin - Taxi

Harry Chapin - Sequel

Lesley Gore - It's My Party

Lesley Gore - Judy's Turn To Cry

Dee Dee Sharp - Mashed Potato Time

Dee Dee Sharp - Gravy (For My Mashed Potatoes)

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The Beach Boys - Surfin'

The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari

The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A.

I remember when these songs came out. Surfin' Safari (first hit released in 1962) and Surfin' USA (2nd hit released in '63) were both HUGE hits. The first song you list, "Surfin'", is basically an unknown or at least seldom heard Beach Boys song that was released in 1965. And yes I was surfing in the 60's and did get surfing knots on my knees from paddling my "short" 9'6" board on my knees - you could go faster paddling like that than lying down.