Series vs Parallel: Wiring question

Wiring question for y'all! I've got a custom bass with a Seymour Duncan Music-Man style pickup along with a J pickup in the neck. I wired it vaguely according to this diagram with green, white & bare wires going to ground and red & black wires going to the volume pot. I'm really having trouble figuring out if I wired it in series or in parallel, though. The setup is so unconventional that I'm not finding any helpful diagrams. Does anyone have any experience with humbuckers that can tell me

a) Did I wire it in series or in parallel? and

b) Can I get in there and change it?

Thanks for the help!
(I assume you’re only asking about the MM pickup?)

Sounds like you’re currently in parallel.

And sure, you can change it! Red & white soldered together and taped off, so they don’t contact anything else. Black is hot, remaining wires go to ground.
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