Set up for Hardcore/Metallic Hardcore Band

Nov 12, 2023
Hi all,

New to the forum and hoping to get some advice on achieving a decent sounding rig for a new hardcore/metallic hardcore band that I am involved with.

My current set up is:
- Schecter J-4 Jazz Bass
- Orange Terror Bass Head
- 2 x OBC 112 Cabs
- Pedal board consisting of Darkglass BK3, MXR Dyna Comp, Boss TU-3 and a Boss WL-60

I’ve always been a big fan of this genre but I am new to playing it. I’m looking to get a tone similar to bands like Harms Way, Knocked Loose, Reign Supreme, Counterparts etc

I am aware that some mods/string size changes will need to be done to achieve the lower tunings with only having 4 strings but unsure on how to go about this.

Any advice or suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

That is pretty decent. Do you know what tuning they want to do with? Jazz basses a flexible to D, but after that get a little muddy. I'm more partial to basses with soapbar humbuckers for C or B because of the mids.

I haven't used that head or those cabs, so I can't say much other than Orange has a pretty baked in sound. If you like what you are getting right now, then awesome. Just make sure you have enough volume. Hardcore and metal bands end up playing a lot of places without proper PA support, so you can't count on that to be heard.

Personally I prefer the B7K Ultra for the additional EQ features. Flexibility to shape your mids cannot be underestimated. Other DG pedals have more drive, but that isn't what I am after, I need tonal control.

Good start.
Thanks for the advice!

Tuning wise I think we will be looking at either Drop C or Drop D song dependant but want to be prepared just in case we go lower down to Drop A or B. The bass is currently fitted with active EMG Metal Works pickups (came fitted when purchased).

I haven’t had an opportunity to check out the BK7 ultra yet but will make sure that I do!

Any recommendations on string gauge?