Lots of good advice in here. Pretty much everything I know on the subject can be read in the link my signature (or in
@Matthew_84 's post, thanks for the nod btw). There is a good guide in the pickups sub-forum as well. I recommend buying copper tape with conductive adhesive off ebay/amazon. It will be called "two-sided conductive" in most cases. I prefer paint but I do always have copper on hand, I use it for some parts of my jobs. You will need to solder to the tape to ground it all but that can be accomplished other ways as well. Some folks connect all their tape pieces with solder but I have never bothered with this step and my basses have always been silent. If you have conductive adhesive copper tape then overlapping them will accomplish the same thing.
Nothing wrong with preferring tape but don't go based on the paint you used, that doesn't sound like very good paint. I let my paint dry for about 10 minutes between coats, I use 3 coats, and I get a resistance down to 0.1~ ohms.
MG Chemicals Super Shield™ Nickel Conductive Coating
This is a fairly simple job OP and can be accomplished easily at home. I highly encourage you to shield your basses. TB is a fantastic resource to help you do so, don't tolerate unwanted noise.