I own 2 shortscale (30in scale ) basses and I've found that inn both of them they simply aren't very responsive to a slap play style, especially the e string just sounds like a dull thud and lacks the clear ringing sounds I'm able to achieve while slapping and popping on a 34in or 32in scale bass.
Though I haven't tried one myself I have read some threads that say basses like the Scott Whitley Swb -1 are able to achieve a defined/ringing slap sound on a 30.75in scale.
Is it a matter of scale length? Or is it something else? What do you guys think is the biggest factor that contributes to having a good slap playability on a shortscale? I'm stumped.
Though I haven't tried one myself I have read some threads that say basses like the Scott Whitley Swb -1 are able to achieve a defined/ringing slap sound on a 30.75in scale.
Is it a matter of scale length? Or is it something else? What do you guys think is the biggest factor that contributes to having a good slap playability on a shortscale? I'm stumped.