Shortscale setup for slap

Jul 14, 2017
I own 2 shortscale (30in scale ) basses and I've found that inn both of them they simply aren't very responsive to a slap play style, especially the e string just sounds like a dull thud and lacks the clear ringing sounds I'm able to achieve while slapping and popping on a 34in or 32in scale bass.

Though I haven't tried one myself I have read some threads that say basses like the Scott Whitley Swb -1 are able to achieve a defined/ringing slap sound on a 30.75in scale.

Is it a matter of scale length? Or is it something else? What do you guys think is the biggest factor that contributes to having a good slap playability on a shortscale? I'm stumped.
I think that's the signature sound of a short scale slap bass tone. Thuddy, and thumpy.

There are some things you can do to get more articulation. Like Stainless steel strings, use FX, and EQ to enhance the brighter tones. As for setup it should be the same as your regular set up. Unless, you plan to use that bass only for a specific style of slap that you have a specific type of attack you use while slapping.