Silly thing: put a bassline in my video game.


Hey all. Been away from TB for awhile writing music and creating a video game. Long story short, I have these power ups that you activate to make a mouse's job running through a maze harder and easier randomly throughout the game.

One of these power ups is a disco ball flying through the air while disco-like music plays. It was a blast to pick up the bass and blast out a cue with a drum track from EZ Drummer.

Inspired by the internet's live of cats (and TB's), I tried to give the cats in the game all of the personality starting with them being the villains.

The game is free and runs on ios and many newish Android devices.

If you like casual games and have a minute to check it out let me what you all think. Cool.

Word Mouse

P.s: it's fairly challenging at first to avoid the Cats! Once you get the hang of moving, you will improve how far you can make it through.
That was fun, played for 40 minutes while in a waiting room. My high score is 278. I was playing it offline so when my power was gone it started a new puzzle. Never got to complete one. :banghead:
On my I-pod there was no audio for the game. An add played at full volume but none of your basslines for my mouse to boogie too. :crying: