Soapbar Pickups for a six string at 19 mm string spacing


Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2006
Endorser of the KSM Foundation Bridge.
What soapbar pickups are wide enough for a six string at 19 mm string spacing? They would need to pickup signal from strings that are 3 and 3/4" wide. I prefer Bartolini or EMG soapbars The pickup routes in this six string bass are 4.5" x 1.5", but I could route them to be larger if I could find the right pickups.

Thanks to anyone who can offer help here.
Don't forget Aguilar. ;) Definitively on-pair with Bart and EMG,just a different flavour. :D
Their DCB DCB-G5 and Super Singles AG SS-G5 have the exact dimensions you asked for (4.5" x 1.5").
Just google a little to see what is the Super Singles' pole spacing.
As you can see on the link underneath,the DCB has a max. string spacing of 19,2mm (not a problem w/any string spacing since it's construction is a "double bar"):
If some other manufacturer doesn't offer the specific string spacing data for a given PU,just look for "max. string span".
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