Songs/Bands using F#0 on a 6s?

curious as to what bands even use Fart0...
I like the idea of a super-growly low F#, but have a hard time finding applications for it when composing, so I'd like some input from others :)
Few bands with bass using low F#

Periphery in few songs ("Stranger Things"). Guitar is 8-string in standard tuning, bass is octave below.

Spiritbox in all songs ("Beauty of suffering"). Guitars are sevenstring in Drop F# tuning, bass is octave below.

Veil of Maya on newer stuff ("Aeris"). Guitar is in Drop B + low F# tuning (F#BF#BEG#C#).

Rivers of Nihil in drop F# songs ("Rain Eater"). Guitars are sevenstring in drop F#.
Bongripper are also tuned in F last I checked.

I personally like the Meshuggah concept of tuning the bass guitar up instead of down, though there might be some fighting for frequencies involved. But who are we kidding, that's a fight we always have to fight whenever guitars or keys are involved.