I'm well past due for some new strings, and as my three biggest influences for the stuff I'm currently playing (Ethan Jodziewicz, Paul Kowert, and Edgar Meyer) all appear use the same set-up I thought I'd give that a try. The problem is all those guys use solo tuning for the top three strings and I don't.
Can anyone comment on this combo using orchestral tuned strings? My background is jazz so I'm predominantly a pizz player, but I'm bringing more and more bowing in as I get better at it. My main concern is that while the solo Permanents clearly give a good pizz sound, will the orchestral variant?
Can anyone comment on this combo using orchestral tuned strings? My background is jazz so I'm predominantly a pizz player, but I'm bringing more and more bowing in as I get better at it. My main concern is that while the solo Permanents clearly give a good pizz sound, will the orchestral variant?