
May 2, 2016
Split, Croatia
Hi guys, I would appreciate your help if you could recommend me any "great" quality split coil pickups for my Fender Standard (Mexican) Precision Bass. And the most important characteristic (like I said up there in the title) - split coil with THE MOST POWERFUL LOWS !! Thank you ;)
split coil with THE MOST POWERFUL LOWS !!
powerful lows are more about the amp.

low end is all about amp watts and cab size and such. the pickup can't make a rig have more low end than it has, just like you can't make your car have more horsepower by pressing harder on the gas pedal.

that said, the duncan QP is indeed a big and ballsy pickup with lots of everything including lows.

for "ridiculous" there's the dimarzio split P, which is two humbuckers put together; in normal series wiring it's beefy to the point of being too much. wired in parallel however it gets a nice almost soapbar humbucker kind of tone.

in the realm of classic P pickups the fralin stock wind P is wonderful, it has more highs and lows than typical without being overwound or anything. i love mine, especially with 500k pots for more attack and grind.
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I agree with "Walterw" the lowend power comes from the amp. If you have the opportunity, take your bass to the local music store and try out a variety of amps to see if your pickup has the lows you seek. A well designed cabinet can make a huge difference in the low end.
Seymoure Duncan Royale with Cheese SPB-3 pickups are what you want.

Some complain of the mid scoop, but it's all relative. Of course the mids seem scooped when the lows are that huge. But that's what you want - a big, powerful bottom end.

I put them in my Hondo, and they will stay there forever. For life.
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I like (and have) both the g&l mfd and dimarzio will power middle - borh of those are sonic sledgehammers. Through a good PA, you can shake foundations with either.