Squier Classic Vibe Jazz Bass Pickup Specs

GK Growl

Dec 31, 2011
I own 2 of these basses and they are by far my favorite Fender style instruments. Does anyone know the specs on the pickups in these? I would assume they would be considered vintage style based on all the other vintage things on the instrument. One bass is the standard classic vibe in inca silver and the other is the James Johnston signature in lake placid blue. Both basses sound and feel very similar and I don't know if the pickups are different between the two basses as well. Anyone have any info?
Some rumors mention the first Gen of Classic Vibe bass stock pickups is OEM from Tonerider.
My CV 60P pickup look pretty similiar to Tonerider TRP-1 except the wire.


but, some also said OEM pickups from Korean Maker .

Hope help