After years of looking at this site, I finally ponied up and became a supporting member. Looking forward to learning more from you all.
Recently bought a $300 Squire Fretless… Hadn't tried fretless in a while and was hoping for better results. After playing some on it everyday, I think I am not fretless capable.
Is it a viable idea to replace the neck with a fretted, upgrade the pick-ups to make a nice Bass ? or should I cut my losses ?
Thank you Men and Women of Bassdom. Cheers
Recently bought a $300 Squire Fretless… Hadn't tried fretless in a while and was hoping for better results. After playing some on it everyday, I think I am not fretless capable.
Is it a viable idea to replace the neck with a fretted, upgrade the pick-ups to make a nice Bass ? or should I cut my losses ?
Thank you Men and Women of Bassdom. Cheers