Stacking TC Electronics RS210


Sep 27, 2012
I currently have an RH 750 and a RS 210 cab, I was thinking about getting another RS 210 and was wondering if anyone has stacked one on top of the other as recommended by TC Electronics, are they stable, they would be placed on an Auralex pad.
I put my RS210 on top of an RS 212 and it is as rolid as a sock. The 212 is the same width, but is deeper front to back, but that's not the axis I would worry about. I push the 210 so that the backs of the cabs form a line, and the acoustic lensing effect really works. If I were buying again, I would probably buy 2 RS210, as I find the RS212 often boomy in smaller venues.
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I have been vertically stacking 2 RS210 cabs for over 3+ years and have never had any issues nor have I ever worried about it.

But never on an Auralex Pad, so I don't know how stable that would be. But then again I have never needed an Auralex Pad with those cabs, so there is that.

2 RS210 cabs sound excellent together so you should be pretty happy.
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Yes, they all do.
Haha...No. I meant I wonder if any of those stacking their cabs are doing it in a horizontal stack instead of a vertical stack
i understand vertical is best for sound dispersion......but I used to stack my Eden 210 XLT cabs horizontally as it sounded fatter....before I had learned about comb filtering......still love the sound of 410 cabs but side dispersion is definitely better in a vertical array
Haha...No. I meant I wonder if any of those stacking their cabs are doing it in a horizontal stack instead of a vertical stack
i understand vertical is best for sound dispersion......but I used to stack my Eden 210 XLT cabs horizontally as it sounded fatter....before I had learned about comb filtering......still love the sound of 410 cabs but side dispersion is definitely better in a vertical array
I've not tried horizontal stacking yet - but you've put it in my mind to experiment with it now ...
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