Steinberger Double Ball End Strings - What Fits What?

I have recently come into a couple Steinys - an old school Q bass and a newer Spirit. I am now understanding that stringing these basses with double ball end strings is tricky as the older ones need shorter strings and the newer ones need longer strings? Can anyone help with some info on this, what double ball end strings fit which models?

Thanks in advance!
If you have both instruments in your possession, I would take a measurement from ball end to ball end to find out the winding length you will need. That info is going to be crucial with instruments like the Steinbergers.
How will that help? Do the manufacturers list that info anywhere?

Guys like Jason at Bass Strings Online are going to need it, as he's got plenty of information on that (and access to strings so he can measure them if need be).

Most manufacturers won't have it listed, but I can tell you - with that provided information - if the GHS sets will work.