I have a Les Paul bass with a glossy neck and it gets sticky after playing. This is my first Gibson bass and I've never had a neck like this before. A little searching on TB and now I know this is a common complaint. Reading the old threads I see lots of advice, but no feedback on if its any good. Has anyone actually taken a scotch pad or steel wool or sandpaper to their Gibson neck? Is so, what was the result? I'd like to hear from someone who has actually done it and can testify to the results.
And whats this about the nitro finish needing to cure/dry? Will this stickyness go away after a couple years of playing? What's the real deal on this? Thanks.
And whats this about the nitro finish needing to cure/dry? Will this stickyness go away after a couple years of playing? What's the real deal on this? Thanks.