STOLEN BASS ALERT! NYC Area, custom 5-string

Keith Guitars

Gold Supporting Member
Commercial User
Aug 25, 2004
Woodstock, NY
Builder: Martin Keith Guitars
Hi All,

I just received an email from a client in the NYC/Westchester NY area.
His beloved Martin Keith Elfin 5-string was stolen out of his car last night.

Please keep an eye open for this bass, and PLEASE contact me directly if you see it for sale, or being played out in the world. My client purchased the bass directly from me and is heartbroken.

This is the only bass I have built with these exact specs, so if you see one like it - it is the stolen bass.

-Ash body, flame maple top
-Maple neck, birdseye maple FB
-Black HW
-Lace Alumitone Bassbar pickups
-Bartolini preamp
-Clear gloss finish

elfin 5 maple edge close SM.jpg
elfin 5 maple edge SM.jpg
elfin 5 maple side dots SM.jpg

The bass appeared on eBay for sale in Forest Hills, NY (a neighborhood in Queens, not far from where the theft occurred).
The seller didn't recognize my logo - the bass was listed as "K(?) boutique maple bass", at quite a bit below market value.

Two TB members independently contacted me about it - big shout-out to TateEvan and smperry for your help.

The owner was informed and contacted the police investigator who had filed the theft claim. I provided a written statement verifying
that the eBay instrument was the same one that had been sold to my client, and reported stolen.

(Drum roll please!)

I just heard from him that the bass has been "located, identified, and secured by the police" and will be picked up in the next day or two.
Hooray! So rare that these things work out as they're supposed to. This was my first client to have a bass stolen, so I'm delighted that it will find him again.

Thanks to everyone at TB for your help and support - it's a great community, especially when we all look out for each other.

Martin Keith