Storing a cab in the car or garage


Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2005
ec, md
Is taking care of a bass cabinet somewhat like taking care of a resonating musical instrument? It's made of wood and glue just like an acoustic guitar, and I wouldn't keep the guitar in the garage or leave it in the car, right?
Is taking care of a bass cabinet somewhat like taking care of a resonating musical instrument? It's made of wood and glue just like an acoustic guitar, and I wouldn't keep the guitar in the garage or leave it in the car, right?

I know lots of cats that leave their cab in the garage. Just make sure it warms up to room temperature before blasting it and you should be fine.
Is taking care of a bass cabinet somewhat like taking care of a resonating musical instrument? It's made of wood and glue just like an acoustic guitar, and I wouldn't keep the guitar in the garage or leave it in the car, right?

I never left my golf clubs in my car, nor my garage...

... not going to happen with any music equipment, neither...

... maybe, a pick... or, a strap.
Forty years in the p.a. business. Cabs sit in trucks over night at 30 below. They get snowed on on loading docks, one flying rig stayed up for 48 hours at -15.
Frozen cables are a bigger threat and expense than cabinets- they are pretty tough.
If youre worried, let them aclimate inside for a bit, but that's more for your peace of mind than the cabinet's.
i've been 'storing' rigs/band gear/PA equipment in garages, sheds, storage units, basements, yada yada since i was a kid (early 60's) and have never had an issue: except when water/dampness was manifest.

i think 'storage' issues are mostly opportunities to use some common sense.