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Suggestion: Half-Operator / Semi-Moderator for Clubs

Alongside the Founder/Creator/Original Poster of a Club, there should be others who are able to do certain tasks within the Club itself.

They should be able to edit the initial post and be considered Official sources when submitting information to a wiki about it.
They should be able to add members to the charter. Maybe remove them to.

It'd be nice if users could be banned from certain Clubs. I can think of scenarios but would rather not get into that here.
See my reply to your "Sub-forum for Clubs" suggestion.
A. "Clubs" are not actually officially recognized, nor actively supported by, the TalkBass management, no matter what their title may say. They are simply regular themed discussion threads under appropriately themed forums and sub-forums to make them more logical to find.

Therefore, it is appropriately up to the club members to administer their club as they decide, within the TB Terms and rules, without needless additional electronic security level requirements & restrictions.

Users can be banned from certain threads, forums, or TB in its entirety. But that is for the TB admins to decide and handle. Everyone else can only Report violations, with the bottom left link on every post, of the TB Terms and rules to get admin attention.
I would assume that moderators cannot be assigned on a per thread basis. Moreover it would be a lot of work on the admin side for relatively little gain. Users are free to report posts they feel violate the rules and the mod staff discusses them. Very rarely do moderators take action without consulting other mods, so any appointed moderators (if even possible) would still be discussing things before acting.

I don’t speak for Paul, but I don’t see this happening.
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