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Suggestion: Subforum for Clubs? Or Master Sticky for Actives?

Instead of clubs being all over the place, wherever they might be most relevent. How about they instead get their own subforum? Perhaps it could be under TB Lounge?

It should be obvious from the name what it's about. This would highlight which there are in one central place that's easy to find.

Alternatively, there could be a wiki page and a sticky thread somewhere that lists all the clubs with a brief description and who the.. OP is.
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A. "Clubs" are not actually officially recognized, nor actively supported by, the TalkBass management, no matter what their title may say. They are simply regular themed discussion threads under appropriately themed forums and sub-forums to make them more logical to find.

2. A single forum and/or sub-forum for clubs would needlessly increase admin duties. As it is now, the duties more appropriately belong to the club members themselves.​
P. As you are now aware, there already is a wiki page listing TalkBass Clubs & Special Interest Groups INDEX of very many, though not all, clubs which I try to maintain without burdening the admins. As such, I deem a wiki listing & linking of all TB clubs & SIGs, not to mention their descriptions & OPs, to be wholly impractical. So I use my own criteria for selecting the ones I think worthy to list & link and exactly how to list them, but I remain open to suggestions.

9. That INDEX wiki is currently "stickily" planted at the top of the Wiki section of the top-left "hamburger" pull-down menu as "Pages".​
8. If that INDEX wiki does not seem comprehensive enough to you, then you are free to use the search facilities to find what you are looking for and open a Private Conversation requesting me to add it to the INDEX.​
Z. Ask not what your TB admins can do for you, but what you can do for your TB admins.
Re A2: How does it increase duties by having a subforum for Clubs?

Re P: Yeah, I skimmed the wiki and don't find anything. I looked in a few subforums and threads that sounded related to possibly being a guide for the site. It wasn't until I took another, more thorough look through the wiki later on that I began finding anything. lol.

What is a "special interest group"? How does that differ from a club?

Re P8: Yeah. What I did do was manually go through twenty-five pages of search results for "club". On mobile. At the time, I don't think I realized there was another two layers deeper for searching. lol.

Switching slightly.

I was going to suggest that there be another thread or a small section of the wiki with a list of writing prompts. Ice breakers, introductions, and the like. This way when members join they have some things to talk about and know where to begin. Plus, if things are very quiet, people will have suggestions to go off of.

I don't know if one generic listing of questions/prompts will be appropriate for all different types of clubs or, if perhaps, different categories get different ones. It may take some refinement.

I suggest this because if people ask generic questions to all club members now, the only way to do so is in the middle of the thread. This could be hundreds, if not thousands of pages in. Only so many people will be notified and members who join several pages later may never even see it.

This would also be a potential thread for allowed secondary threads if clubs were allowed multiple simultaneous threads. Surveys/polls could go there too.
Just to clarify, only the OP and selected Club Helpers would be able to comment in the Questionnaire type secondary club threads. These would be linked to in the initial club post. When a new thing is added, "Club Staff" (different from site staff), would post in the thread what the question is and link to it.
Anyone in the club could add media to the club media thread, if there is one. I think this would be especially helpful for audio and video or how-to graphics.

Another secondary thread could be specifically for photos and other media. I don't believe there's a convenient way to search for this. As in, it can't be done while viewing the Club thread but only from a separate Advanced Search page.

Now I'm kind of mixing two suggestion box threads together. Sorry.

Also. I actually suggest some of these things because I wish to alleviate your duties, @G-Dog. I think it'd be nice if it weren't all fully on you. Especially because it doesn't seem like you're even "staff" here. Just to make things more fair.

What I imagine now trying to do all this would require opening a ticket to have a mod edit the initial club post.

Perhaps this could be an interesting and useful feature. Yes, it will take some work to initially set up but, could save work later on. And, I mean seriously, how often are new clubs created..?

I'm not sure exactly how it works with Xenforo and I never extensively played with it with phpBB. To me, it seems promising and intriguing. Users can be members of multiple user groups. I suggest this for the Club Leader and Club Helpers and to be able to access more things like editing the OP beyond 60min -- which would probably solve everything. heh.
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