Hey all, I've finally came around to making an account here, and this is my first post!
I've done a lot of searching but can't seem to find an answer to this question:
Can I use the bi-amping feature of mu SVT4 pro to run both seperate 4x10s inside an ampeg 8x10 in order to use the crossover function on the SVT4pro?
I am currently using the setup monobridged but have been curious about using the crossover on two cabs, I feel that since the 8x10 is actuallt 2 4x10 cabs in a single enclosure this might be kind of practical.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
IMHO, you could and should do it just for the fun of it. But I believe you will find there is no practical benefit as
@JimmyM has said.
Here is the amp data you need to consider:
- Mono-Bridged: 1600 watts rms @ 4 ohms(1200 watts continuous), 3% THD
- Biamp: 2 x 350 watts rms @ 8 ohms (300 watts continuous), 3% THD
You should also consider that eight speakers are a lot more efficient than four, due to mutual coupling. If you biamp, four of the speakers will cover the low frequencies, and four of the speakers will cover the high frequencies. Since they are not covering the same freqeuncy range, you do not get the benefit of mutual coupling. Some related ideas: If you double the speakers, but hold the total output power constant, you get +3dB. If you double the speakers and hold the voltage constant, the total power doubles and you get +6dB.
Let's put all of these ideas together: By bridging the amp you more than quadruple the output power feeding the low end and also gain the increased efficiency from doubling the speakers. In other words, the rig will be able to play a lot louder if you run it it bridge mode.
You may find that you actually like the sound of the rig biamped, but I suspect you will miss the headroom and punch of the full 810. If you have another bass cab, like a 210 with a tweeter, I would suggest experimenting biamping with the full 810 as the woofer and the 210 as the mid/hi cab.
If you run the full 810, the impedance is 4 ohms, so the output power goes up a bit:
2 x 625 watts rms @ 4 ohms (490 watts continuous), 3% THD
If your other cab is 8 ohms, it would be fine to run one output at 4 ohms and the other 8 ohms.
! & welcome.