SX 6-string Jazz Bass...too heavy?

Jul 1, 2002
Maricopa, AZ
I've been looking at and GASsing for this SX 6 string Jazz with the new headstock. However, my main concern is the weight which is 10 pounds. That could do a number on my shoulder playing gigs. Anyone have one of these and could give me some feedback? The price is right....$204.58 shipped! :)

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I've owned five 6ers over the years I play bass... I say 10 lbs (4.5 kg) for a 6er is on the lightweight side, cause most of my 6ers weighed 5 kg (11 lbs) or more, with the exception of my Ibanez SR which weighed at 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs).

And yes, definitely you should invest on a wide padded strap (3 ~ 4 inches wide) or go with the Levy's 4.5" if you can. For me a 4" strap is wide enough, cause the wider the strap, not only it could spread bass weight better, but it becomes heavier by it self.
I briefly owned the ash bodied version -- and yes, the weight was substantial. Not sure what wood is used in this version, so it could very well be lighter.

I used a 4" wide neoprene strap, and it was still a bit of a challenge making it through that 4th set of the evening.