Synergy - Mesa Subway D-800 and Gallien Krueger MB Fusion 800


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2005
Tacoma, Washington
At last week's rehearsal, I felt that my custom Mike Lull M5V w/ Nordstrand HC pickups and Audere pre into D-800 into Audiokinesis Thunderchild TC 115-AF was overly-polite. This week, I substituted my GK MBF 800, and all the grind and punch was there! I love the Subway with Bergantino CN 112's, especially with my NYC Sadowsky J5. For me, this is just a reminder that no piece of gear "is an island." It's the combination that matters!
Its interesting what different combos work together. I tried a TH500 thru a CN212 a few weeks back and was amazed how different that sounded vs the TH500 thru my HD212.

I really need to try the MBF800. I liked the Subways mids but there was something in the low end I couldn't overcome. I've shied away from GK stuff but tried one of the new Lakin J Basses thru a Fusion 550 and was shocked at how good it sounded.