Double Bass TalkBass 2014: Come test it out and let us know what you think!


Staff member
Jul 20, 2000
Come check out what we've been working on! Here's some highlights:


Main forum page:

Sample event in new GTG forum:

New "Showcase" area for reviews, builds, etc.:

Media area to consolidate and view TB'ers Youtube, Soundcloud, etc:

Classifieds thread with feedback under usernames:

Feel free to post, "like" things, etc. Just please keep it clean. NOTE: The database snapshot used in this demo is from June 17th 2013. If you registered an account on TalkBass after June 17th 2013 you are not in the demo database. Register a new account to test out features.

Try bringing up these links on your mobile device. Notice how the interface is 100% responsive and fits itself for your screen. No more need for an app. Unless you want an app - the Tapatalk app will work much better with this updated forum software.

For those that like vbulletin, choose the "TalkBass Retro Fluid" style from the bottom-left corner of the page style picker.

Some background: After watching vbulletin go down the tubes for the past several years, I decided to build our new forums on XenForo. XenForo is a new cutting-edge forum software built by the same guys that built vbulletin 3.x. It's simply the best-written forum code out now. It's been a long journey, and it's not quite over yet! Migrating 13 million posts, attachments, avatars, etc is no easy task, but we hope to perform the final migration mid December or early January.

Let me know what you think! I'm extremely busy but I will read every comment posted here. Thanks!!!
Looks good, Paul. I'll spend some more time working my way through it.

I think from this side, the main thing is anything that might help make it clear to someone when they are posting on the EB side vs the DB side would be appreciated by us. Maybe instead of a bass clef logo for both forums and sub-fora, you could use an instrument icon and maybe a different color scheme?

I think that most of those probably come from the "what's new" view, where they are integrated. Maybe there is a different way to handle that? Don't know, I'm not being critical. It's astounding what you've done here and we appreciate it.
Looks good, Paul. I'll spend some more time working my way through it.

I think from this side, the main thing is anything that might help make it clear to someone when they are posting on the EB side vs the DB side would be appreciated by us. Maybe instead of a bass clef logo for both forums and sub-fora, you could use an instrument icon and maybe a different color scheme?

I think that most of those probably come from the "what's new" view, where they are integrated. Maybe there is a different way to handle that? Don't know, I'm not being critical. It's astounding what you've done here and we appreciate it.

That would be appreciated and helpful!
I think from this side, the main thing is anything that might help make it clear to someone when they are posting on the EB side vs the DB side would be appreciated by us.

Hey, I suggested shock collars, but that got shot down.

Not for nothing, but the "confusion" seems to be pretty one sided. I don't seem to recall anybody suggesting Bel Cantos or Gamuts in any "WHAT'S THE BEST STRINGS FOR MY P-BASS?" threads....
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Can we have one of those wrong way red signs like they have getting on to the 10 freeway in Santa Monica California. I know when I leave McCabe's Music Shop late that I have to be careful or I'll end up running over one of the folkies who have come all the way to the beach from Pasadena to here Wavy Gravy recite Allen Ginsberg's prose on that stage in the back with the dulcimers and auto-harps draping it. I had a dream that Edgar Meyer had a concert there and he was sponsoring this new trail mix that my vegan bodybuilder friends swear will make you bigger than Schwarzy. Seriously, it's the damn Bluegrass threads.............some of the best mishaps and excitement around here. Don't change that.:bag:
Maybe on the new site, we can have a subfora devoted just to which cars you can fit a bass in? It seems we'll never run short of questions and discussions on the subject.
If my post starts sounding like a rant, please start again from the top and imagine John Malkovich as the narrator.
I can hear it now. His reaction when the bass doesn't fit his new car.:eyebrow:

My 2 cents:
1) I like the overall look - no surprise - similar colors, and layout
2) I like that the date is now large and along the left side of the thread
3) I would prefer that the masthead take less vertical space - maybe shrink the image in the top margin?
4) I don't personally find that the forum stats warrant a spot on the home page. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if I were you, I'd replace it with another ad.
5) it would really be a nice feature for me if I can subscribe to some forums or sub-forums and have those appear on my home screen. For instance, I regularly check in on (all in the DB forum) EUBs, Jazz Technique, and Music Theory, and seldom visit Bows and Rosin or Strings. And I rarely visit the BG forums.
6) the new format will permit comments to posts? rather than just another post in the forum? The way the forum works now, that feature doesn't seem necessary, IME.

Hope that helps.
One of the great new features that you have offered with the new set-up is the like button. For one thing it's easy, but it's main value is that it does away with need to post a thank you to a previous post. It reduces the sheer number of polite, but superfluous posts, but more important, it allows more valuable posts to remain longer in the queue. For example, my like to Paul 's recent response to my Ray Brown post allows me to tip my hat without pushing his important historical information back in the thread.
Thanks, and thanks,
One of the great new features that you have offered with the new set-up is the like button. For one thing it's easy, but it's main value is that it does away with need to post a thank you to a previous post. It reduces the sheer number of polite, but superfluous posts, but more important, it allows more valuable posts to remain longer in the queue. For example, my like to Paul 's recent response to my Ray Brown post allows me to tip my hat without pushing his important historical information back in the thread.

Thanks, Gerry.... Important Historical Information are my middle names.
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